08 December 2020
I defended my dissertation last week and now I’m an earth doctor. Hooray!
In this work, I sought to further develop the technical and conceptual basis for building global biodiversity monitoring systems using satellite earth observations data.
I owe so, so much to my adviser, Gretchen Daily, and to my committe members: Erin Mordecai, Chris Field, Rodolfo Dirzo & Alberto Diaz-Cayeros. I learned so much from them, and I am deeply grateful for their support.
It is a tremendous privilege to be part of the Stanford community, and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to grow and learn as part of it. I’ll continue to work with the Center for Conservation Biology and the Natural Capital Project in the future, and I look forward to continue developing tools to help us track how our planet’s biodiversity is changing in response to climate change, land use change & population growth.
You can find links to the chapters I’ve already published in the research section, and I’ll be sure to upload the full dissertation as soon as it’s approved by the University Registrar.
Here’s a link to my defense. Gretchen introduces me for the first ~5 minutes and I dig in from there. I hope you enjoy it!
I’ll embed the video on this site as soon as a youtube link becomes available. For now, enjoy a placeholder with one of my favorite songs.